At A Glance
Released: 10/27/20
Reviews: 140, net very positive, as of /2023
English Reviews: 109
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: no
Majority of reviews:
English ~69%
German ~9%
Spanish ~4%
Price: $3.99
Review report:
Negatives: waiting 10 seconds to restart level, sneak sequence was poor, issues with movement in the beginning not working, spelling errors, glitchy, not that scary
Positives: good tension, sound is perfect, gameplay is fantastic, good story, good voice acting
Forced to check on certain rooms before others, really takes me out of experience since I’m always lost
Got stuck in the infirmary trying to go into a curtain room, gap looked big enough
After getting into other wing, player says someone is coming
Music cues play and even a tutorial dialogue pops up, but nothing happened
Was it all just a lie? Pretty effective
Code for storage room written on stall door, then lady in the toilet starts crying
Come to a sneak section (for real), AI patrolling, gives you a few seconds before he gives chase
Had to grab a key and unlock a door to escape
Got batteries, talked to lady, acting professional
Enemy appears to do a charge then sprint, possible to get away (never seen a horror AI do that)
Got a hammer from lockbox and got boards off final door, pulled really quick
It takes 10 seconds to reset game, pressing button did nothing
You get to shoot bad guy, he ragdolls and takes ~4 bullets
Body also disappears
Ambient music, kind of upbeat but menacing, appropriate
Stinger occurs for control overlay
VO for main character and other security lady
Sound like they’re trying too hard to sound natural, happened in Swine too
Door opening sound is a bit wooshy at the end
The light in the classroom is obtrusive, like a layer of fog
Lighting in all the rooms seems a bit messy
Character animation for walking backwards is a bit off, looks like sliding
FPS dropping when looking at lantern, optimization problems?
Lit lanterns to guide the way, helpful but confusing. Why? Who?
Seems to be a small point light on player
A gate rises from turning a valve, goes into ceiling
Valves are in odd places, like a stall in the bathroom
Starts on morning shift in 1994
There is an entire missile in the enemy studio
Cop is in building and dies, you get his pistol
The end
These characters were kind of lackluster, maybe focus on character development for next games?
Big surprise killer got away
Scare Factor
There was an old pair of boots in a stall with closed door
Looked like someone was in there, smart
Killer finally shows his face, big lad, masked
Player didn't have a reaction to it at all
After showing the killer stakes are higher, but maybe the killer doesn’t show up at all?
Behind door that lady showed in basement was bad guy, jumpscare, ran at me
The guy talks, really takes his strength away
Monologues, he is the artist and wants to blow up the school
Found a glitch where I could walk up a tree, next level is the school grounds
Skybox looks nice, a bright moon and blue surrounding area, gets darker further away
Okay voice acting
Large school environment that worked as a horror locale
A story that i will never forget