At A Glance
Released: 4/24/20
Reviews: 929, net mostly positive, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 509
Localized in: english, russian, german
Had Publisher: no
Majority of reviews:
English ~50%
Russian ~19%
German ~7%
Price: $12.99
Review report:
Negatives: confused about how to proceed in the game and gets frustrating, not scary after awhile, very scripted experience
Positives: spooky and creative, good graphics, effective sound design
New game starts with a note about how game should be played and what to expect
Plays as if seen from a vhs camcorder
Player is locked before they get too close to the cultists, video ends with satanic symbol
Stuck in a new room, searching a desk, drawers open on a timer
Time period seems to change
In the hallway outside the room you have to move between doors to make events pass
Unnerving, dark, requires flashlight
Stuck in the room and had difficulty getting to next steps
Had to try opening desk drawers which activated a scare
Scary crouching girl above closet
In the child bedroom someone gets up and turns on the tv
Have to put toys away (doll in center disappears)
Back in tv room patient lady points at book that unlocks wardrobe
Unlocking wardrobe reveals nothing, but after lighter goes out and VHS turns on a title appears ‘She’s close’
Once you put it down the zombie girl appears and jumpscares
Creepy ambience plays at the main menu, sounds decent
Music is the exact same track I bought for PTTB
Exact same car model that was used in PTTB is present at the beginning of the game (green jeep, free on UE marketplace)
Room goes dark and is only lit by a candle
Voices start, necronomicon on the desk
There’s a photo of the desk candle, and the UI reticle is visible
Nice looking zombie girl model
So far I’ve seen 4-5 models in hallways
Zombie guy, boy, zombie girl, bloody woman, tall ghost lady, regular old man getting dragged away
Hair on models is noticeably static
Scene changes back to forest, beige truck is used (free?)
Little girl appears in summoning circle, girl scout outfit
Clock goes from 2:20 - 2:30 AM and loops
Splash screen at the start (had the same one since the first release by Emika_Games)
Epilepsy warnings
Title screen looks great, buttons are slanted along the wall, respond by turning orange when hovered over
VHS effect is playing with a timer at the bottom left, how far does it go?
Settings are somewhat barren except for graphics
Audio has global audio slider only
Controls only have sensitivity and inversion
Key bindings look good
Seems like family lost daughter, then employed satanists to bring her back
Pentagram summoning circle
Key found under briefcase in new section of house, revealed polaroid camera in drawer
Picture taken of clock reveals ghost lady and another apparition in photo
After photo goes down the clock disappears, and the lady is partially hidden behind door
Game seems to switch between past and present with/without a camcorder
Start new video tape
Inside house halls again, boxes confine you to half the area
Unsettling notes found
Picture on chair disappears (interesting detail if caught)
Once ke is picked up and out in the hallway scary lady is jittering under the flickering light
Getting closer turns it off and plays some cracking noises
Getting even closer she bends forward, light turns on, then camera glitches
Bald guy is recorded watching something and tall ghost lady controls? Him
Then ghost lady stares at camera
It's revealed that tall lady controlled Mother?
Also revealed that main character is Dad, and declared insane after ghost lady possessed mother and forced her to kill child
Ghost lady appears and says we have to stay
Scare Factor
Off the road i can already see bodies in the trees
Approaching them i can hear footsteps very close, but see nothing
Child scream laughs again, unexpected
Outside the door i can see a lot of hooded figures and cultists
‘Fuck’ / ‘oh shit’
Light turns off and a ghostly breathing starts, then it flicks in and out revealing a tall ghost lady facing the door
Light strobes and walls look torn and old
The subtle changes and transitions in the game are unexpected, leverage that
Religious symbolism, reversed crucifix, pentagram summons
Ghost lady appears in hallway, animated and facing the other way
Knock at the door makes flashlight go down, lady can’t be seen because of darkness
Painting falls off wall, startles
Footsteps naked go into another room
Tall lady was in hallway, hobbled just out of sight and disappeared
Bedsheet cultists appear in the first and burn some bodies
Zombie guy appears at the end and it cuts out
After reading final note (which may have been self-written) a ghost lady appears from behind, turns off lights, sniffs? Player, and they die
Credits are a recording walking through forest (Credits at top)
Markiplier in credits
Vsauce Joel too
Game got quite a bit of press attention
Started me in a game right after credits
Level select is a level in itself, and all locations are available
Post credits there is more game
A well-done experience for the Emika Games debut
Graphics and atmosphere were excellent
At points the game relied very heavily on scripted sequences which took away from the experience