At A Glance
Released: 9/27/21
Reviews: 15, net mixed, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 9
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: No
Majority of reviews:
English ~60%
Russian ~13%
Simp. Chinese ~6%
Price: $3.99
Review report:
Negatives: desensitized to jumpscares, not enough to stay engaged, confused about how to proceed, predictable
Positives: creepy, suspenseful, enjoyable story
Sprint functionality, but nothing to run from?
Ending was emotional because of the music, worked very well
Door doesn’t open and makes sound, I’ve heard it somewhere before
A few seconds after trying door, it unlocks, completely unexpected
Ending corridor plays a stinger every couple of feet
Same Unreal asset jeep is present in the game
Moonlit sky, foggy, bright but low visibility
Mountains (or giant rocks) block player in towards next area, house
Developer used the house to its full ability and kept it minimal
Car crashed into tree and someone stuck drawing on tree
At ‘find me’ note a baby walks into room and right through the wall
Ending reveals the girl died, and after the note a scary scare appeared
Scare Factor
Jumpscare with daughter, loud and she disappears
Another jumpscare upstairs, very loud, lights up window, looks like rocks directly outside
These are some well-placed jumpscares
In the basement, a long-armed creature appears accompanied by a repeating bass stinger
Creepy kid smiling in front seat of car
Made with Unreal, touted as a very short game
Short horror walking simulator with a couple good scares and an emotional ending
Did well with just a couple of environments and using them to the max