At A Glance
Released: 2/19/21
Reviews: 1,207, net mostly positive, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 897
Localized in:

Had Publisher: yes
Majority of reviews:
English ~64%
Russian ~6%
German ~5%
Price: $11.99
Review report:
Negatives: poor combat, too many invisible walls, writing was weak, enemy animations weren’t good
Positives: excellent atmosphere, good audio, good gameplay variety, good graphics
Default is press to sprint, normally hold
Two paths, dead end with candles and long path with no candles
I chose candles
There is a ‘the Forest’-style inventory system
Picked up artifact, laser weapon
Came to a ‘boss’ room, monster wouldn’t stop chasing me and I was told to ‘try and avoid it’
Monster saw me immediately on entering room
Music is a bit too uplifting, mysterious, but feels more like fantasy forest than ocean
Underwater music, sounds good for the area
Landmines from finding nemo, too afraid to step on it
Voice is kind of annoying, sounds like a weird, bad recording environment
Voice told me to get in a pit, lots of dead bodies and a portal
Some human, others not
Spinning disc has a cheap-sounding sfx
Message in a bottle, gets read by VA, had a weird rotation point
Almost positive all trees are billboard sprites on the inner island
Can look down and see body, arms are a little too forward like Ralphie
Buttons and straps look a little too low-res for ultra settings
There is a chalkboard in lighthouse with scribbles
Then an image of a creature that looks way too good to be a sketch
Did they just stick a decal onto the board?
Painting at the top of a scary creature which isn’t around
Bioshock wrench spotted
Found the cutoff of some rocks
Lots of little polish things could have been solved but weren’t
They add up when players notice
Monolith animated up a little fast, but returned to slow
Scary underground lady appears to activate a post-process effect
Big shark on beach, might be an asset i used
I think the monolith looped back to its origin
Giant mist-like creature through a portal; good inspiration
Some underwater human was swimming above a massive hole and tentacles everywhere
Option to turn FPS on, default Unreal stats
Pause menu is only text, no overlay or darkening which was a mistake
Wake up (take a guess where)
Kind of close to main menu area, by lighthouse
Guy lost his wife, where is she?
Saw a boat from a telescope, a guy was on it
Also a seemingly oversized seagull too
Portal goes to the big monolith, got drawn on the chalkboard
The awoken monolith starts walking away
Put on a suit and explored water
Mines do not explode if stepped on
Pick up cthulhu statue and talk to him
Somehow I got transported to alternate HP lovecraft space universe
Voice told me to follow through dark, I did and I saw the edge of the world
Released giant monster, achievement called it Dagon
Made it out to large open space
Woke up cthulhu
Portal to some purple underground skin lair
Go into some dream as ending
Too heavy on HP lovecraft, i don’t get it
Game crashed at end
Scare Factor
Scary dead thing underground, evil voice starts speaking
Some creature started talking to us, tentacles
Music got way better and more dramatic
While i was looking at a dead whale a creature came out of the water and chased me
I almost died because I wasn’t on the correct path
Boulders blocked path and i was safe
I dropped into a hole and a monster chased me
Nothing i could do, i tried running but it just immediately hit me and i died
Had to pull hands off of creepy statues
Last one jumpscared me
Server link for Discord in the main menu, broken, good idea though
The people who understood and have read HP Lovecraft and no HR Giger are very big fans, the ones who may have been looking for a different type of experience rated the game negatively, may not have been communicated to them effectively
Unnerving at some parts, but was ultimately not that scary
Unique setting for a game, very rarely does horror take place on a beach, much less in broad daylight
Extremely heavy on HP Lovecraft, could be a bar for others like me who have had limited experience with the stories